Our Imported Boys & Girls
Forever expanding the Gene Pool
Our very first import arrived in Australia in 1994. Since then, by ourselves, and in conjunction with Narbrisse (South Australia) and Trilby (NSW), we have imported a further 19 Briards as well as frozen semen into the country.
Our Imports
Still influentual today in many Australian and New Zealand kennels, even our earlist imports left their mark on the breed, not just for us, but for other breeders as well.

Imported FRANCE (1996)
Henri de Lacabru
Henri was the very first French Briard to set paws in Australia. He was imported by us and Irena Schneider (Trilby NSW). He came to us as an adult and as an already distinguished sire. One of his sons was Best of Breed at the World Dog Show, plus several of his offspring were specialty winners in Scandinavia. Henri's sire was himself a top sire in Europe. Most importantly, we knew that his bloodlines 'nicked' with the Picador lines already here.
He sired 4 litters in Australia. His Australian bred sons included Best In Show winners, NZ Ch's Canadian CH USA Ch and Aust Champions. He also sire the very first Australian bred Briard to be 'Selected' at a Rassamblement AmCh Can Ch Cacharel N Bigtree's Boomer

Imported NORWAY (1995)
Picador Xtra Peer Gynt at Cacharel
Gynt was imported to compliment Oslo's bloodlines. He arrived in 1995. Unfortunately he broke his leg and moved with a limp , so was never shown. His offspring certainly made up for that. He sired the 1st Briard to win Champion Puppy in Group at a Royal Show, multiple Best in Group winners and Best in Show winning dogs. He was a very strong sire and stamped his type on his offspring. He is also the sire of the only Herding Champion Briard in Australia, Dual CH (H) Cacharel Utzano HSAs HSCs HICs HXCs

Imported NORWAY (1993)
Ch Picador Wiking O'slo
Oslo was the very first Briard to come to Australia from outside the UK. Bred in the purple by Rodi & Wera Hubenthal. His sire was Number 1 Briard ALL Breeds in Norway.
Oslo was a Best in Show and multiple Group winner in Australia. His greatest gift to the breed here was his daughters. They were super producers for the kennels of Cacharel, Narbrisse & Trilby. Those lines are still being used today.

Imported AUSTRIA (1999)
Ch Champagne chez Cacharel de la Maison du Garde Barriere HT
Champers was our very first bitch import. She was bought in to breed to Henri. We had been following her bloodlines and knew they worked well together. We had seen many of her relatives in Europe at the major shows and were very excited for her arrival. Unfortunately, her hips were not good enough to breed and we made the heartbreaking decision to desex her. She won many Best of Breeds under breed specialist and was of beautiful type and temperament and could have had great influence on Australian Briards had her hips been ok.

Imported USA (1999)
Bigtree -Cacharel's Own Yankee HT
Yank arrived in Sydney quarantine station a week after Champers, they were a similar age, but very different bloodlines. Yank was bred in the USA from 2 French imports and was a complete outcross to anything in Australia.
He went on to be a very influential sire when put to Oslo & Henri offspring.
One of his sons is still the only Briard to win Best Puppy in Show at a Royal Show. One of his daughters is the only other Australian Bred Briard to be Selected at a Rass under French Breed specialists.

Imported UK (2006)
Ch Beaugency Bessiere HT
Our beautiful Ellie was especially chosen for us by one of the UK's most influential kennels. Her sire had produced super offspring in Europe and her dam line was filled with consitent producers.
Ellie had a huge impact on many kennels in Australia, with multiple Best in Show winners coming down from her. Semen from one of her sons was sent to the UK and was used to sire a World Winner Best of Breed, Crufts CC winners.
She was only bred 3 times to carefully chosen sires and threw her beautiful breed type and sweet gentle nature in all her offspring. Ellie also had a remarkable record in producing excellent hips, with 8 of her 14 offspring scored all below 4 (AVA /BVA)

Imported CZECH REPUBLIC (2011)
CH Gangsters Paradise Moravia Campanella HSAs
Jimmy was the first Briard in the country from the Czech republic and arrived in Perth quarantine late 2011 for Jeni & Mark of Kaasha Briards.
He spent the 1st 12 mths there before making his way east to us here at Cacharel.
A super producer, one of his sons was the first Supreme Champion of the breed. Jimmy himself was a Best in Show and multiple group winner. His offspring have utilised by many Australian kennels.
He has been followed by Grand Champion J'Aint She a Dream Moravia Campanella (imp Czech) and Ch Winning Colour Moravia Campanella (imp Czech) for Liz Bennett Narbrisse Briards

Imported CZECH REPUBLIC (2016)
A Kiss Please Moravia Campanella HIT
Bowie was bought purely on pedigree. His sire line went back to the English Beaugency lines and dam line complimented the Czech lines already here.
A hugely influential sire, he has produced Best in Show winners, and multiple Group winning dogs. He was bred to the Czech bitch Mia, for an all Czech breeding. These special pups went to notable kennels and are just starting to produce on.

Imported FRANCE (2019)
Ch O'Neills de la Manoliere JC HIT
Neills is our resident clown ! He loves life and shows it ! Usually full on.
I was lucky enough to view the entire de la Manoliere litter and to choose our puppies. Neills was chosen for his unequalled forequarter construction and balanced rear. His angles had no match in his litter mates. Construction is the base of any breeding program and most breeders realise how precious a good front is. Neills movement really shows his construction, he covers the ground beautifully. Two girls, Ouvea Margo (for Cacharel), and Only (for Narbrisse) and a brother, Obelix (for Narbrisse) also were chosen. Obelix for hs unparalled head and body shape. The girls were chosen for their beautiful breed type.
Neills has been used a couple of times for super results. One son is a multiple Best in Show winner, a daughter is top Working Dog Puppy in SA in 2021. Margo's 1st litter has produced the Number 1 Rising Star (Briard) in Australia 2022